Shovel Down OSGR SX 65834 86194
Three stones facing a common centre.
TDA LXIV (1932) 285; LXXVIII (1946) Pl 37.
R.H. Worth. Dartmoor (1953) 221.
J.R. Turner. DASP 48 (1990) 81.
J. Butler. Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities II 36.7 (1991) 139, 192-3, 232; V 146, 151-4.
G.A.M. Gerrard. Dartmoor (1997) 35.
Dave Parks stone circles, sites, & Turner.
Megalithic Portal.
The Modern Antiquarian
This circle featured in Dartmoor News 138 (May/June 2014) p49
HER/SMR number 29944 SX 68 NE/174
NMR number 443619 SX 68 NE 47
Maps of the area may be found in TDA LXXVIII (1946) Pl 37, Worth Dartmoor (1953) p221, Turner (1990)
p61, Butler (1991) p139, & Gerrard (1997) p35.
Three stones facing a common centre.
TDA LXIV (1932) 285; LXXVIII (1946) Pl 37.
R.H. Worth. Dartmoor (1953) 221.
J.R. Turner. DASP 48 (1990) 81.
J. Butler. Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities II 36.7 (1991) 139, 192-3, 232; V 146, 151-4.
G.A.M. Gerrard. Dartmoor (1997) 35.
Dave Parks stone circles, sites, & Turner.
Megalithic Portal.
The Modern Antiquarian
This circle featured in Dartmoor News 138 (May/June 2014) p49
HER/SMR number 29944 SX 68 NE/174
NMR number 443619 SX 68 NE 47
Maps of the area may be found in TDA LXXVIII (1946) Pl 37, Worth Dartmoor (1953) p221, Turner (1990)
p61, Butler (1991) p139, & Gerrard (1997) p35.