Sherberton OSGR SX 63937 73177
In the corner of a field, which has reused some of the stones for walling.
W. Crossing. Guide to Dartmoor (1912) 462.
TDA LXXI (1939) 321-4.
R.H. Worth. Dartmoor (1953) 254-6, 260.
P. Pettit. Prehistoric Dartmoor (1974) 139.
E. Hemery. High Dartmoor (1983) 347.
J.R. Turner. DASP 48 (1990) 80.
J.Butler. Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities IV 63.9 (1993) 137, 217-8; V (1997) 146, 153-4, 211.
A Burl A Guide to the Stone Circles of Britain, Ireland and Brittany 63-64.
Gerrard G.A.M. Dartmoor (1997) 62.
P. Newman The Field Archaeology of Dartmoor (2011) 34.
Dave Parks stone circles, & Turner.
Megalithic Portal
The Modern Antiquarian
This circle featured in Dartmoor News 141 (November/December 2014), p23-4.
HER/SMR number 6290 SX 67 SW/48
NMR number 443298 SX 67 SW 23
Maps of the area may be found in Butler (1993) p137 & V (1997) p211.
Plans of the site may be found at TDA LXXI (1939) Fig 1, p323, Worth (1953) Fig 82, p255, Butler
(1997) p217, Gerrard (1997) p62, & Newman (2011) p34.
Photographs of the circle may be found at TDA LXXI (1939) Pl XVII (opp p328) & Worth Dartmoor (1953) Pl51A after p254.
In the corner of a field, which has reused some of the stones for walling.
W. Crossing. Guide to Dartmoor (1912) 462.
TDA LXXI (1939) 321-4.
R.H. Worth. Dartmoor (1953) 254-6, 260.
P. Pettit. Prehistoric Dartmoor (1974) 139.
E. Hemery. High Dartmoor (1983) 347.
J.R. Turner. DASP 48 (1990) 80.
J.Butler. Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities IV 63.9 (1993) 137, 217-8; V (1997) 146, 153-4, 211.
A Burl A Guide to the Stone Circles of Britain, Ireland and Brittany 63-64.
Gerrard G.A.M. Dartmoor (1997) 62.
P. Newman The Field Archaeology of Dartmoor (2011) 34.
Dave Parks stone circles, & Turner.
Megalithic Portal
The Modern Antiquarian
This circle featured in Dartmoor News 141 (November/December 2014), p23-4.
HER/SMR number 6290 SX 67 SW/48
NMR number 443298 SX 67 SW 23
Maps of the area may be found in Butler (1993) p137 & V (1997) p211.
Plans of the site may be found at TDA LXXI (1939) Fig 1, p323, Worth (1953) Fig 82, p255, Butler
(1997) p217, Gerrard (1997) p62, & Newman (2011) p34.
Photographs of the circle may be found at TDA LXXI (1939) Pl XVII (opp p328) & Worth Dartmoor (1953) Pl51A after p254.